Sep 30, 2024  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Computer Science, M.C.S

Program Description

Master of Computer Science M.C.S.

The M.C.S. program at Texas Wesleyan University provides students with an overall enhanced computer science education through both instruction and opportunities to apply a core set of computer skills in a hands-on field setting.

The M.C.S. program consists of 12 courses in the areas of software development, database administration, computer security, and computer graphics. It is recommended that students without a computer science degree also complete foundation courses (or other instruction) in CS such as Data Structures and modern programming languages such as C++, Java and Python prior to enrolling in related courses.


Admission Criteria

Admission decisions are based on an overall evaluation of the items listed below to estimate an applicant’s potential for success in the graduate program. Admission criteria for the M.C.S. program are as follows:

  • U.S. Bachelors degree from a regionally accredited college or university (or comparable foreign degree);
  • In one of the following
    • A major in Computer Science or related field
    • A major in a STEM field and have successfully completed computer science courses such as Data Structures, C++, Java and Python.
    • A non-STEM field with successful completion of Calculus II, Linear Algebra, Computer science courses such as Data Structures, C++, Java and Python.
  • With one of the following
    • 3.0 GPA overall or higher
    • 2.5 GPA overall or 2.75 GPA last 60 hours and with a minimum GRE score of 145 Verbal and 155 Quantitative
    • 2.5 GPA overall or 2.75 GPA last 60 hours and 3 years work experience resume in a related field

Applicants who have less than the minimum requirements, the quality and adequacy of the admissions record will be evaluated by the computer science faculty or their designee.

Students needing leveling courses are fully admitted to the program, but with the addition of recommended leveling courses per the discretion of the faculty.

The Bridge Program is designed to accommodate applicants possessing postsecondary degrees comparable to three years of university study in the United States, as determined by the most recently published guidance from the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers, or equivalent peer-reviewed guidance. This program will be helpful in preparing students for graduate study while enabling them to complete their fourth year of study. The courses required to complete the Bridge Program will be tailored to each individual student based on their needs and in consultation with a graduate advisor. These courses might be a combination of general education and specialized lower or upper-level courses. Students must achieve a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5 in all courses attempted as part of the Bridge Program. Upon completion of the Bridge Program students will receive a certificate and may continue to a full graduate-level course of study. Admits into the Bridge Program will be administratively assigned degree-seeking graduate student status while completing the required undergraduate-level Bridge curriculum.

Students who are non-native speakers of English must provide evidence of English proficiency by submitting official scores from TOEFL (minimum 213 computer test/550 paper test/79 internet test), or IELTS (minimum band score of 6.5 on the Academic version). Test scores must be less than 2 years old. Other evidence of English proficiency may be considered on an individual basis.

Transcripts from all institutions of higher learning attended must be submitted, regardless of whether a degree was earned. Official transcripts must be sent directly from the issuing institution to the Office of Graduate Admissions. The designation “student copy,” “issued to student,” “applicant’s copy,” “unofficial copy,” or other similar notations are not acceptable. This includes hand-delivered transcripts or copies received from a third party. International student applicants may be offered full admission based on unofficial copies of transcripts, test scores, and other supporting documentation, provided original/official copies are received by the Office of Student Records prior to the student’s first day of classes. If you attended a non-U.S. institution, please send transcripts in both the original language, and an official translation of the transcript. A copy of your diploma (graduation certificate) is also required.

Applicants meeting all admission requirements, but lacking one or more official documents, may be admitted provisionally for one term only. During the term, provisionally admitted students may take up to 3 courses. Provisional status will not be extended past the initial term of enrollment. Provisionally admitted students desiring to continue graduate studies beyond one term must be fully admitted into the M.C.S. program.

Readmission to the M.C.S. Program
Any former fully admitted Texas Wesleyan Computer Science graduate student who has not been enrolled at Texas Wesleyan University for two or more consecutive semesters and wishes to return should contact the Office of Graduate Admissions for information on readmission. Students that have been withdrawn from the program for failing to maintain minimum academic standards my not apply for readmission. To apply for readmission to the M.C.S. Program, please submit:

  • An Application for Admission to the Office of Graduate Admissions.
  • An official transcript from each institution of higher education attended (if enrolled at another university since last attending Texas Wesleyan);
  • Current professional résumé or curriculum vita (CV).
    Readmitted students must meet full admission criteria to rematriculate into the M.C.S. Program.

Graduate Faculty

Individuals appointed to the graduate faculty hold the highest degree in their field except in those cases where a person possesses special knowledge or has had unique STEM experience. The graduate faculty is appointed by the Provost as outlined in the graduate faculty appointments and assignments policy in the faculty handbook.

Graduate Committee in the School of Arts and Sciences

The Graduate Committee recommends policy, hears appeals, and approves and recommends curricular changes for the graduate computer science programs.

Membership includes:

  • Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences (SOAS);
  • Associate Dean of the SOAS (Chairperson);
  • All appointed and contributing graduate faculty in the SOAS.

Academic Policies

A fulltime student in the M.C.S. is one who is enrolled in courses that sum to a total of 9 credit hours in one Fall, Spring or Summer 7-week session or in two consecutive Fall, Spring or Summer 7-week sessions.

A student attends an online course by engaging in academically related activities of the course. Examples of such activities include but are not limited to: contributing to an online discussion or chat term; submitting an assignment or working draft; working exercises; taking a quiz or exam; or initiating contact with a faculty member to ask a course‐related question. Documenting that a student has logged into an online class or website is not sufficient, by itself, to demonstrate academic attendance by the student. Any student who has not logged into an online course within one week of the start date of the course will be dropped from the class roster for nonattendance. Any student who fails to complete coursework which in the aggregate constitutes 10% or more of the course grade during the term may be dropped from the course for nonattendance. The last date of a student’s attendance will be the date the student last logged into the course and completed an academically related activity.

Texas Wesleyan’s SOAS may accept up to 6 credit hours as transfer credit from another a regional or national accredited university’s M.C.S. or other graduate program. No transfer of credit is automatic and all possible transfer courses must receive final approval from the Dean or Associate Dean after consulting with appropriate graduate faculty members. To be eligible for transfer, a course grade of a “B” or above is required, and the class must have been taken no more than seven years prior to the applicant’s projected graduation date from the M.C.S. program at Texas Wesleyan (see time limitation policy below). Students must have a 3.0 GPA or higher in their previous program in order for transfer credits to be considered. Transfer hours of a “B” or better will receive a grade of “P” and will not be computed in the GPA.

A student must complete the requirements for a graduate degree in the Computer Science MCS program within seven years from the date of initial enrollment in graduate courses at Texas Wesleyan University. Students may, in writing, request an additional extension of time to graduate which must be approved by the Graduate Committee. All decisions made by the Graduate Committee will be communicated to the student in writing and approved extension requests may have stipulations or conditions included which must be adhered to by the student.

To be awarded the M.C.S., degree, students must successfully complete 24 credit hours at Texas Wesleyan University.

Graduate credit is allowed only for courses completed with grades “A,” “B,” and “C,” although grades “D” and “F” are used in computing grade point averages. No final grade assigned for a graduate-level course may be raised unless an error has been made. The substitution of another course for one completed with a lower grade is not permitted.

The student in the program must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 (“B”) or better. The Graduate Committee of the SOAS will recommend withdrawal of a student from a master’s program if a student receives two course grades below “C.” For purposes of enforcing this withdrawal rule, the first grade received in a course is used by the Graduate Committee.

Master’s program students may not graduate with more than two “Cs” in their program requirements, although a course may be repeated once to raise a grade of “C” or lower. A student may not repeat more than three courses at the graduate level, and all replacement course work must be completed at Texas Wesleyan University. When a graduate student’s academic performance falls below a cumulative GPA of 3.0 on all graduate work attempted, she/he will be placed on academic probation. Probationary students must obtain an advising clearance form from their advisor prior to registration. Students who register for courses other than those permitted by advisement will be administratively withdrawn from the courses. Students will remain on probation and be allowed to re-enroll for a subsequent term as long as they achieve a minimum 3.0 GPA on all graduate work attempted during the term, even if their overall graduate GPA remains under 3.0. The probation status is removed when the student’s cumulative GPA on all graduate work attempted has been raised to 3.0 or better. Should students on probation fail to earn a 3.0 GPA in graduate work attempted during a term, they will be withdrawn from the program.

Graduate Student Orientation

Each term an orientation is provided for the purpose of acquainting new graduate students with University policies, faculty, and administration.

Graduation Requirement

To qualify for graduation, a student must have completed an approved program of study with a minimum of 30 hours of course work for the M.C.S. program. The students must earn at least a 3.0 cumulative grade point average (on a 4.0 scale). Application for graduation must be filed in the Office of Student Records no later than the date listed in the catalog calendar.

Sequence of Events for Graduate Students

  1. Be admitted to graduate program (see admission requirements and procedures).
  2. Based on the individual student needs and according to an M.C.S. degree plan students will register for graduate work or suggested leveling courses/instruction.
  3. File application for graduation in the Office of Student Records no later than the date listed in the catalog calendar.
  4. Complete any remaining courses; remove all grades of “I” (incomplete).
  5. Attend Hooding and Graduation (see University Calendar for date, time, and location).

Total Hours (30)

Master Computer Science, MSC

All students seeking the Master Computer Science degree must complete the following 30 hours of graduate-level core courses.