Jan 20, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

University Catalog Policy

The current University catalog is available online at the Registrar’s page of the Texas Wesleyan website, http://txwes.edu/catalog.

Students enrolling for the first time during the year encompassed by this catalog are expected to complete the degree requirements of this catalog in order to graduate. Academic and other policies, requirements, and fees may change at any time during a student’s enrollment. The catalog year runs from Summer I through May Term of the following year.

Undergraduate students who transfer from an institution with which Texas Wesleyan University has a Transfer Guarantee Agreement may select the Texas Wesleyan University catalog in effect at the time of matriculation or a previous catalog not to exceed two years prior to matriculation. Official documentation as to catalog selection will be entered into the student’s permanent file as part of the transfer admission process.

A student will normally complete requirements for a degree within the maximum 10 calendar years from the date of initial enrollment at Texas Wesleyan University. A student who has not been in continuous enrollment at Texas Wesleyan University and who re-enrolls after the 10-year maximum time period has elapsed will complete requirements for a degree under the catalog that is current on the date of re-enrollment. A student who re-enrolls within the 10-year period should continue with their original catalog unless it is more advantageous to enroll under a more recent one. The dean of the school must approve exceptions. Individual programs may have additional time limitations.

Students may elect to move to a more recent catalog to complete their degree. All program requirements in the most recent catalog must be completed. A Catalog Year Change Request Form, found in the Office of Student Records, must be completed and retained in the student’s academic file. Graduate students may only elect to to change catalog years one time.

Catalog requirements may be superseded by changes imposed by external governing agencies or certifying bodies.