Degree Requirements
To qualify for a baccalaureate degree (B.A., B.A.A.S., B.B.A., B.M., and B.S.) from Texas Wesleyan University, a student must complete the following requirements:
- A minimum of 120 hours and a minimum of 240 grade points for a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 on all college work attempted and completed are required for all degrees granted by the University. A higher number of hours may be required for certain degrees.
- A minimum of 45 hours or 25% of the credit hours (whichever is greater) of a degree must be earned at Texas Wesleyan. Twenty-four (24) of the 45 hours must be upper division (3000 or 4000 level). A minimum of 15 upper division hours in the major field must be earned at Texas Wesleyan University.
- A major in a department or school must be completed with a minimum grade point average of 2.0. Certain departments may require a higher grade point average. Specific requirements for a grade point average will be discussed in the content of the major program. A student should consult with their major advisor regarding specific requirements for that major.
- Basic to success in any academic program is skill in written communication. The student must exhibit a capability in writing as a requirement of any course. Any instructor in any course may require a student who lacks this skill to seek assistance through the Academic Success Center in the West Library.
- All University requirements must be completed.
- An application for graduation must be completed and submitted to the Office of Student Records during the term prior to completing graduation requirements.
- Upon receiving a student’s graduation application, the Office of Student Records will process and certify a final official degree audit.
- All financial obligations to the University incurred by each graduating senior must be met before the degree will be conferred.
General Education Curriculum Requirements
General Education Curriculum and Compentency Goals
General Education Curriculum Course Requirements
Major Requirements
A major program is composed of a minimum of 30 semester hours, 15-18 of which must be upper level (3000 or 4000 level) of academic credit in an approved program. Major requirements are described under each school. The following are the basic requirements for the bachelor’s degrees offered at Texas Wesleyan University:
Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences
Specific requirements are listed under the School of Arts and Sciences.
Bachelor of Arts
Specific requirements are listed under each school’s degree programs.
Bachelor of Business Administration
Specific requirements are listed under School of Business Administration and Professional Programs.
Bachelor of Music
Specific requirements are listed under the School of Arts and Sciences.
Bachelor of Science
Specific requirements are listed under each school’s degree programs.
Minor Requirements
A minor in a department or subject area is optional, and a student has the option of selecting one or two minor areas. A minor can be recommended by a department or it can be declared by a student. A minor shall consist of at least 18 credit hours of course work, 6 of which must be upper division. Requirements for a minor are determined by the school in which the minor is taken and can be found under the schools’ listings in this catalog.
After completing the requirements of up to two majors and/or two minors, a student falls under the requirements for earning “an additional baccalaureate degree from Texas Wesleyan University” (refer to the Academic Policies section of this catalog).
Students majoring in Liberal Studies or Interdisciplinary Studies cannot declare a minor. Students pursuing a B.B.A. cannot declare a minor in business administration. Students in Mass Communication cannot declare a minor in Mass Communication.
Foreign Language Requirement
The foreign language requirement, if required for the degree, may be satisfied by one of the following options:
- A student who has a 12-hour language requirement must obtain credit for 1341, 1342, 2313, and 2314 in sequence in one language, unless otherwise indicated by the degree/major (as listed in this catalog).
- A student who has a 6-hour language requirement must obtain credit for 1341 and 1342 in sequence.
- A student who has satisfactorily completed four years of study in one language in high school or preparatory school may present this credit and be exempted from the requirement, as applicable.
- A student who achieves a satisfactory score on the College Level Examination Program or a comparable examination may receive either credit hours or advanced placement or both as determined by the department of languages and literature.
- If a student is proficient in a foreign language to the degree that they are eligible to enroll in the intermediate level, the 6 hours of intermediate foreign language will satisfy the requirement for the Bachelor of Arts degree.
- A student who presents a diploma from an acceptable high school or degree from an acceptable college or university whose exclusive language of study is a language other than English is eligible to receive 12 hours credit.