Sep 12, 2024  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Academic Standing

Undergraduate academic standards are designed to provide close supervision of the program of study and academic progress of a student. Academic standing is based upon a student’s Texas Wesleyan University cumulative grade point average and all course work attempted at Texas Wesleyan University and other colleges or universities.

For information on Graduate academic standards, please refer to the individual graduate programs or schools.

Good Academic Standing

A student will be classified as in good academic standing when they maintain a cumulative academic grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or higher on all semester hours attempted.

Academic Probation/Suspension

At the end of fall and spring terms, academic standing is calculated for every undergraduate student. If a student’s cumulative grade point average for the total number of hours attempted falls below 2.0, the student will be placed on academic probation for the following semester and “Academic Probation” will be recorded on the transcript. Students may continue on academic probation for a period of two consecutive long semesters (Fall/Spring).

Students placed on academic probation must enroll in ASE 1113 - Ram Rebound  their first long semester immediately following being placed on probation. Students who fail to enroll for ASE 1113  by the first day of classes will be subject to withdrawal from the University. In rare instances, an exception is made, with approval from the Senior Director of Advising & Student Success, and the student may be required to enroll in the course the following semester.

Students who have been placed on academic probation for two consecutive long semesters and do not raise the cumulative grade point average to good standing by the end of the third semester will then be placed on academic suspension for the next long semester. If a student is suspended at the end of spring semester, the suspension will include the summer session(s) and the following fall semester. The student will be informed by letter of their academic status. “Academic Suspension” will be recorded on the student’s transcript and will remain as a permanent entry.

Undergraduate students enrolled in 7-week sessions will have their academic status reviewed at the end of the corresponding long semester.

Part-time Students – A student currently attending part-time and whose grade point average indicates academic probation, may continue on academic probation as long as reasonable progress of a 2.5 or higher grade point average is achieved each semester until the cumulative grade point average is raised to 2.0 or higher and the student can be removed from probationary status.

Dual credit students placed on academic probation will be allowed to enroll in the next term, but may not register for more than 3 credit hours of dual credit courses. Dual credit students who enroll while they are classes as being on academic probation may continue to enroll in the subsequent terms, provided they achieve at least a 2.0 grade point average each term, even though their cumulative grade point average is still below a 2.0. Dual credit students on academic probation must meet with their high school counselor/academic advisor to review academic progress throughout the semester.

Restricted Enrollment – As an alternative to remaining out one long semester for a first suspension, a student may elect to remain in school with restricted enrollment status. This status means that the student may only repeat courses in order to improve their cumulative grade point average to return to good standing. Restricted enrollment is the only alternative available to students who face suspension.

Once a student has selected restricted enrollment in lieu of suspension, a proposed schedule and restricted enrollment contract must be approved by the student’s academic advisor and approved by the student’s dean and the provost. The dean must notify the University Registrar that the student has selected restricted enrollment. “Restricted Enrollment” will be recorded on the student’s transcript and will remain as a permanent entry.

If a student chooses restricted enrollment status and does not earn sufficient grade points during the next semester to raise the cumulative grade point average to good standing, the student will be placed on one year of academic suspension. Students on restricted enrollment may drop courses only with the approval of their academic dean. Students requesting to drop a course required under restricted enrollment may be required to withdraw from school.

Any academic credit earned during the period of academic suspension will not be accepted or counted toward a degree from Texas Wesleyan University.

Readmission After Academic Suspension – A student seeking readmission after a period of academic suspension must see their academic advisor and the dean of the school. The academic advisor and the Dean of the school will send to the Provost a written recommendation regarding the readmission of the student. If readmitted, the student will be placed on academic probation and expected to satisfy the requirements for continued enrollment at the end of the semester. It is strongly recommended that a student enrolling after an academic suspension repeat courses in which the grades of “D” or “F” were awarded.

First Academic Suspension – A student placed on academic suspension at the end of the fall semester is eligible to apply for readmission to the following summer session. A student placed on academic suspension at the end of the spring semester is eligible to apply for readmission to the following spring semester.

Dual credit students enrolled in dual credit courses while on academic probation will be suspended from the proceeding long term if they fail to achieve at least a 2.0 grade point average in dual credit courses for that term. Students who are placed on academic suspension at the conclusion of the spring term are not eligible for enrollment in dual credit courses the following fall semester. Students who are placed on academic suspension at the conclusion of the fall term are not eligible for enrollment in dual credit courses during the following spring semester.

Second Academic Suspension – A student placed on academic suspension the second time must reapply for admission through the Office of Admission after 12 months.

Third Academic Suspension – A student placed on academic suspension a third time must have the approval of the Admissions Committee before being readmitted. Normally a minimum of 24 months must pass before the committee will review an application for readmission.

Admission of Students on Academic Suspension from Other Universities – A student suspended from another university who transfers to Texas Wesleyan University must have served the suspension according to Texas Wesleyan University guidelines or show documentation for eligibility to return to the suspending institution prior to enrollment. Coursework taken during suspension is not transferable to Texas Wesleyan University.